How to Effectively Create a Vision Board for 2022
The start of a new year is a new opportunity! It's wholly possible to turn your dreams into reality. It's called manifestation. A vision board is a fun, creative way to start the process, get real clear on what it is you want, create the vision and successfully manifest your dreams. A vision board is a great tool to have during your journey and is a visual representation of your goals. It turns out putting your goals on paper in this type of visual format can actually help you achieve them.
Before you create your New Year’s vision board, be sure you’re getting started with the right footing. Take some quality time to reflect, get clear, prioritize and then create your magic from there. Studies show that approach-oriented goals are tied to long-term success. Performance anxiety is real and can cause you to procrastinate and or overlook important details, so reviewing your goals and ensuring they are solid is key to success.
Vision Board Preparation:
Timeline- Decide if your vision board should represent short-term or long-term change. A yearly benchmark is most digestible and easiest to track progress but there’s nothing wrong with 3 or 6 months. There’s no rules to making your vision board. You can also plan a quarterly time-line. May be fun to watch how your goals change over the course of the year. Think of your vision board as a living thing, feel free to make updates!
Reflect- Take some quality time to reflect and figure out what’s most important to you. Think about the one or two segments of your life you really want to change and focus on the words those sectors bring to mind.
Visualize- Visualize your dreams coming true. Imagine the experience itself and how you will feel when you achieve these goals? Set your intention, believe that it will become a reality, then take active steps towards making that abstract idea come to fruition. No matter what your goals are, dream big. The New Year is full of possibilities!
Prioritize- Ask yourself was sectors of your life matter most? For example, create 5 pillars, areas of your life or even values that take priority in your life. What drives you? What sectors of your life would you like to improve on or progress forward with?
Get crafty- If you don’t have a stash of magazines, you can always print images you see on Pinterest and Instagram that inspire you. There are plenty of free online programs to help you make your vision board. For simplicity, you could create a board on Pinterest. But if you want your digital vision board to more closely resemble a physical one, use an app like Canva, which can be used on your phone, tablet, or computer. You don't need to be a graphic design expert. It’s best to make sure any words you use are short and the images you choose are vivid, attractive, and glossy, so your vision board regularly catches your eye.
Placement- Put it somewhere where you can see it! You know what they say, “out of sight, out of mind.” If it’s digital, use as your screen saver or home page. You can even get fancy and frame it!
Examples of Topics for Planning Out Your Vision Board
Career and finances.
Personal growth (including spirituality, social life, education)
Remember, incorporate joy in this process and make it fun. The New Year holds so many new experiences, opportunities & possibilities! Enjoy the process. Wish you all the best in 2022! -Courage Collab